Specifically for Laboratories
We are dedicated to the manufacture of single platform easy to install and service systems for laboratory grade water. Systems include extensive pretreatment tailored to the customers water source, single or 2 pass reverse osmosis, 185 nm UV ozone production, 254 nm UV for AOP production, dual MBDI cartridges for 18 megohm quality and sub micron filtration for endotoxin removal. Filtered air cone bottom tank and recirculation pump. Sanitizing ports. Full instrumentation. Delivered fully tested and ready for immediate use.
Type 1 water is made through many different processes (reverse osmosis, distillation, deionization, UV disinfection) and is also referred to as analytical grade water. This water is ultra-purified to a level where impurities are removed and they are almost non-detectable. Often a complex process, water purification incorporates multiple technologies into a single purification system.
Dime Water, Inc. offers the following when it comes to laboratory water:
We also provide replacement cartridges, which are designed to be the most environmentally friendly in the industry today. The Ultra Clean deionization vessel (DI)replaces permanently sealed one time use DI resin cartridges used for polishing ultra pure lab water. Our concept adds quality control to the process of producing ultra pure water. Our systems can be built in many different configurations using UV light, bacteria and endotoxin removal filters. Also, the design of the refillable cartridge gives us the ability to create endless custom designs and flow rates. For top results, we can provide custom 185 nM UV lamps. We have 3 options available for our customers:
The History of Laboratory Water
As early as the 1700’s chemists (pharmacists) knew water needed to be purified though there wasn’t a good understanding of biologic and ionic contamination. Treatment consisted of gravity percolation through unglazed ceramic columns which were called candles. They remain available to this day and can be seen in period paintings elevated on a shelf behind the chemist. The process in today’s terms is submicron filtration for biologics reduction.
The use of candles soon morphed into distillation first with flasks over a Bunsen burner followed by ever larger heat sources and metal flash and condensing chambers. Biologics kill and gas off of volatile organics are achieved through heat and ionic content (TDS) is significantly reduced via boiling. To continually increase TDS reduction multiple pas distillation became popular providing triple distilled water.
In the early 1960’s reasonably priced two column deionizers were employed to produce water with a TDS level low enough to transition common TDS measurement to megohms with 1-3 Meg water common. A serendipitous discovery of mixing cation and anion resins in a single vessel in the mid 1960’s led to easily achievable 10-18 Meg water which is now common in both in situ regenerating DI units and portable exchange (PE) tanks offered as MBDI tanks..
In the 1970’s reverse osmosis (RO) units and ultraviolet systems were introduced to the mix. The RO took 95% of the TDS from the water thus reducing the work needed from the MBDI tanks and the UV effectively killed bacteria and viruses. In this era many changes also took place in the plastics industry leading to inert materials (polymers) for pipes, tubing and fittings that can transport treated water without adding any unwanted chemicals.
And here we are today. Components have been tweaked since the 1970’s and instruments look sexier but basically the same processes continue to be used, so overpaying for a laboratory water treatment system with a historical brand name nets nothing but a higher purchase price, expensive disposables and high priced service.
Obtain a Quote for your Laboratory Water Needs:
We use very contemporary and readily available components in our systems to permit customer field replacement of consumable items at low cost. Simultaneously we incorporate features such as LED based UV to eliminate lamp warm-up delay and the possibility of a mercury spill in the lab.
All systems with reverse osmosis incorporate a patented device that prevents premature, costly membrane replacement without the use of salt or chemicals. Proven effective in thousands of applications, it never requires service or replacement. Never.
Our pretreatment cartridges have extremely long lives and are conveniently replace as are sub micron post filtration and DI components. Ports are provided for chemical sanitizing or optionally special heat sanitizing is available to avoid any chance of laboratory chemical contamination. When selected heat tolerant membranes are incorporated so membranes need not be replaced.
For laboratory applications, Dime Water, Inc. also provides ozone treatment, mixed bed DI cartridge and sub micron particulate cartridges for obtaining the best results.