Residential and Commercial Water Softener System Pros and Cons

Water Softener System Pros and Cons

water softener system

The classic definition for a water softener system is a device utilizing either sodium chloride (salt) or potassium chloride (also salt) to remove calcium and magnesium from water and replace them with either sodium or potassium. The result is softened water.

Sometimes water has little or no naturally occurring calcium or magnesium in it or they have been removed by another process such as membranes, EDI, or CDI. Such water is referred to as soft water because calcium and magnesium were not replaced by sodium or potassium.

Water that has been treated with a Water Softener Calgary Services reacts well with soaps, shampoos, and detergents so soap scum such as bathtub ring is eliminated. Additionally, scale formation in pipes and heaters is prevented. The softening process can also be used to remove iron, manganese and other metals under the right water chemistry conditions.

The water softener system as we know it today dates back to the 1940’s with major changes in non-corrosive materials, meters, timer electronics, etc.

Dime Water, Inc. manufactures a complete line of water softeners for applications from small homes through large hotels, motels, hospitals and factories. We employ the very latest in technologies to minimize salt and wastewater use.

Of note, because the waste stream from a water softener contains chlorides this discharge is frowned upon by many utilities due to EPA waste discharge regulations. In fact, some water districts prevent their installation. Drought conditions also impose limits on their use. To overcome these water softener issues Dime Water, Inc. offers an extensive line of systems that use no salt or other chemicals and only in rare cases is there any wastewater.

Commercial water softener, low cost water softener, water softeners, Water solutions
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