
Dime Water, Inc. Introduces a School Science Kit For Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water.

School Science Kit For Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water.

“This is a small unit that we recently built to demonstrate how a reverse osmosis unit performs. This unit is quite small; it would purify about 100 gallons of water a day and this type of unit is designed to perform on municipal waters or many well water applications. The same process with slightly different components can be used to turn seawater into good quality drinking water.”

Dime Water, Inc. Announces a New Water Treatment Product Line – Water for Purists.

Water Treatment Product Line - Water for Purists.

“This is a small unit that we recently built to demonstrate how a reverse osmosis unit performs. This unit is quite small; it would purify about 100 gallons of water a day and this type of unit is designed to perform on municipal waters or many well water applications. The same process with slightly different components can be used to turn seawater into good quality drinking water.”

California Proposition 1, Water Bond Expert Opinion from Dime Water, Inc.’s Vice President, Michael Colburn.

California Proposition 1, Water Bond Expert Opinion from Dime Water, Inc.'s Vice President, Michael Colburn.

“We all are part of this and we have to use water a lot more judiciously. Vote “Yes” but keep your eye on how the money is being spent.” – Michael Colburn