Water Stores

Water Store Businesses

Made in USAIn an era where more and more people are concerned about their water quality, an excellent business to consider is a water store.  Consumers who do not have the resources to purchase full treatment for their home, who are renters or who are environmentally alert about plastic bottles are all prospective customers for purchasing water to take home or to their office.
All of our systems are built to your water chemistry with particular attention paid to the treated water quality, long term reliability, and simplicity of operation.  Systems are designed to fit through standard doorways and are on wheels to facilitate placement, floor cleaning, and installation. Units are fully assembled and tested prior to shipment. They all include:

water stores are a great business opportunity

Units for Water Stores are fully assembled and tested prior to shipment.

They all include:
-Maxi-Cure or Aquafer non-chemical pre-treatment
-5 micron and activated carbon pre-treatment
-High-efficiency pressure booster pump
-Stainless steel membrane housings and low energy membranes
-Fully automatic control system for reliable operation
-Product water TDS meter
-300 gallon storage tank with all level controls built-in
-Re-pressurization pump. Stainless steel.
-Totalizing meter to monitor sales in your water store
Ultraviolet light post-treatment for ultimate protection

Water Store Units – Available Options:

-Ozone system with tank recirculation timer controlled
-Window Vending unit with bill changer and UV WINDOW VEND
– PLC controller
-Export crating
-Dispensing Systems
-4 Station (2 fill and 2 rinse) 30” x 60” x 50” High
-6 Station (4 fill and 2 rinse) 30” x 72” x 50” High
-2 Station Rinse only 30” x 34” x 50” High
-4 Station Fill only 30” x 60” x 50” High
-6 Station Fill only 30” x 72” x 50” High
-Storage tanks. 100 to 1000 gallons